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2018 Winter Season
Athlete Name / School Name
2018 Summer Season
Athlete Name / School Name
Bria Zwaschka / Clovis East
Morgan Gates / Reedley
Alexis Delacruz / Madera
Emily Ledesma / Madera
Teresa Stover / Clovis East
Emma Garcia / Clovis East
Maddie Gilbert / Clovis East
Allyssa Bozworth / Clovis East
Mckenzie Miller / Clovis East
Brooke Leedy / Reyburn
Xemena Moreno / Clovis East
Kylie Johnson / Reyburn
Sadie Decker / Reedley
Emma Vertiz / Reyburn
Head Coach - Lauren Holden
Praetorian WPC - remind codes
If you would like to receive team reminds about the most up to date scores, practice times, team events, etc. please sign up:
Text one of the codes:
Entire girls program @praetgirls
18U girls @pwpc18U
16U girls @pwpc16U
14U girls @praet14U
10U/12U boys and girls: @pwpcscorps
to: 81010
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